Monday, March 24, 2008

A Gift from My People to Yours...

Yes, I'm half-Japanese, and spent most of my childhood in Japan (excepting 5 years in Hawaii).

When I watch this, half of me cringes (presumably the American half!)...and half of me thinks, "once the string section kicks in, it's actually kinda cool."



Anonymous said...


Too confusing and cool all at the same time! Thanks for the blog...looking forward to more!

Unknown said...

That video is just awesome! I thought it was a joke at first but by the end I was completely torn as to whether I should be rolling on the floor and laughing or giving a standing ovation!

Tim.C said...

Classic. Not sure whether to laugh or cry.

And in return, check out these guys;

"The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain"

Their mp3 downloads make great ringtones as well !!!!


Unknown said...

laughing through the tears right now!!! it was definitely... ummm..... different lol. love the blog!!! looking forward to more!!!!